.Gov data
Explore .gov domain data in our GitHub repository. If you have questions about the data or suggestions for improving it, open a GitHub issue.
All .gov domains
We update a list of all .gov domains daily. This data includes all registered .gov domains from every domain type: federal, interstate, state/territory, tribal, county, city, special district, and school district. In addition to domain type, this data includes domain name, organization, city, state, and security contact email.
Federal .gov domains
This subset of .gov domains includes only those registered to federal agencies including legislative, executive, and judicial agencies. This data includes domain name, organization, city, state, and security contact email.
.Gov zone file
The .gov zone file contains domain name system (DNS) information and addresses. This data is updated daily.
- .Gov zone file (.txt, ~2 MB)
- Centralized Zone Data Service , which requires an account with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)